All posts by admin

Reflection: Think for Yourself

Think for Yourself

Article written in the first person from a staff member.

In 2016, it can be hard to hear your inner voice. There are 24 hour news programs, social media, gurus of every topic, and everyone from a world leader to your dear friend has an opinion on how you should live your life. Everyone to some degree will try to persuade you to believe the same as them. And it is okay to listen. But through the noise, you must think for yourself. Whether you sink or swim, you must make your own choices in life.

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Trump’s Victory Not Being Accepted Well

Trump's victory

On November 8th, a new president was elected in the United States of America. To the shock of many, the person that was elected was not the seasoned politician that spend her life devoted to the people, but rather a Washington outsider. In a tight race that was almost too close in many states, Donald Trump won the race. His lead in the electoral college put him over the top. His victory not only stunned the nation but leaders around the world were also in disbelief.
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The Largest, Brightest Supermoon is Coming

supermoonGet ready! The largest, brightest supermoon in 68 years will be present tonight and extend tomorrow on November 14th.  No need for a telescope, the moon will be noticeable bigger just with the naked eye. Start gazing at the sky around sunset to catch a glimpse.
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Americans Urging the Electoral College to Vote for Clinton

Electoral College

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by at least 200,000 votes during the Presidential election. And her numbers keep rising as absentee ballots are calculated. That means more Americans voted for Clinton to be President.

If you are American and you believe Clinton is the true victor in the President election, then you may have a chance to make her President on December 19th. Continue reading Americans Urging the Electoral College to Vote for Clinton
