All posts by admin

Brussels Attack

Brussels attack

LATEST UPDATE: The death toll has been revised to 32. Some of the victims were counted more than once and the attackers were also counted, but have now been omitted by Belgium authorities. Over 300 people were injured and required medical treatment. Some of the injured are still in the hospital and receiving intensive treatment.

Four Americans have been killed in the attacks, according to the State Department.

Our condolences to all of the victims and their families. We wish those injured a speedy recovery. Stay tuned for more updates.

(updated 04/01/2016)

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Who is Merrick Garland?

Merrick GarlandOn Wednesday, March 16th, 2016, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy on the United States Supreme Court left open by the sudden passing of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia. The nomination left many people wondering, “Who is Merrick Garland?”
Continue reading Who is Merrick Garland?


Spring Forward…

Spring Forward

Spring forward, Fall back. If your area participates in Daylight Saving Time (DST), remember to move your clock forward one hour today. Or you will be running an hour late.

Random fact: Most of the state of Arizona does not recognize DST.



Violence at Donald Trump Rallies

Since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States on June 16th, 2015, violence at his rallies has grown increasingly common.

One of the first incidents occurred on October 23rd, 2015, when a group of Latino protestors were allegedly assaulted as they were being led from the rally. Those protestors claim they were grabbed by the collar and thrown to the ground and repeatedly kicked.  Along with being hit on the back with a sign and kicked in the leg.

The violence continued on November 21, 2015, as a Black Lives Matter member was reportedly punched and kicked as racial slurs were yelled. Then again, in December 2015, at a Las Vegas rally, people can be heard on video yelling to “light the m**********r on fire!” Referring to the protestor.

Continue reading Violence at Donald Trump Rallies
