All posts by admin

Leap Year 2016

leap yearToday is February 29th and is a very special day. It is a leap year! We will have 366 days in 2016, and not the usual 365 due to an extra day being added.

Leap year happens once every four years. It was implemented in order to sync the solar and calendar year.

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Very Cool: Boston Dynamics’ New Robot In Motion

A robot existing along humans. We’ve seen these images in Hollywood movies and read about them in our favorite science fiction books, but this concept is no longer reserved for our imagination. Robots are here.

Boston Dynamics’ new robot, Atlas, was recently shared with the world and it’s capabilities are amazing.

Check it out below:

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Very Cool: Ice Stacking

Ice stacking? Do you know what it is? And have you ever witnessed it?

On February 13, 2016, photographer, Dawn M. LaPointe of Duluth’s Radiant Spirit Gallery, captured ice stacking in its full glory on  Lake Superior. You will be left awe-struck by the strength and beauty of nature in motion. Check it out below:

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Batman v Superman – Final Trailer


Check out the  Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice final movie trailer.

There are intense moments between the two superheros. Whose side are you on: The Dark Knight or the Man of Steel?
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