All posts by admin

Consider Giving Back to Virgo Philosophy!

giving back2017 is coming to an end. Christmas is just ten days away and soon the new year will be here.

This was a great year for Virgo Philosophy! And we sincerely hope it was equally as great for all of our visitors and subscribers. Continue reading Consider Giving Back to Virgo Philosophy!


President Trump Declares Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital

Following a bold decision by the Trump administration to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel, many people are left questioning why this happened and if a resulting negative ripple effect will result. Alongside this decision to declare a new capital of the country, the decision has been officially made to move the U.S. Embassy from its current home in Tel Aviv to the newly declared capital city. While this process is slated to take years to see to completion, the wheels are in motion. Continue reading President Trump Declares Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital


Another Federal Government Shutdown?

federal government shutdown


The Senate has passed the stop-gap measure 81-14. The bill will now go to the White House for President Trump’s signature.

The stop-gap measure will extend the current continuing resolution  (CR) until December 22, 2017. Hopefully the threat of another shutdown will not occur before the holidays.
Continue reading Another Federal Government Shutdown?


Happy Thanksgiving 2017

Happy Thanksgiving 2017Happy Thanksgiving 2017 to our subscribers and visitors. May today serve as reminder to be thankful for what you have and to be kind to others.

Best Regards,

 The Virgo Philosophy Team
