Category Archives: Encouragement

Enjoying Poetry: “Hopeless” By Erin Hanson


Disclaimer: If you are in the United States and have thoughts about suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. For everyone else, please check with your local listings for help.

“Hopeless” is yet another beautiful poem by my favorite poet, Erin Hanson. We dubbed this poem “Hopeless” because as most of you know, Erin Hanson does not title her poetry. Enjoy!
Continue reading Enjoying Poetry: “Hopeless” By Erin Hanson


Wear Sunscreen To Protect Your Skin

wear sunscreenTomorrow is Memorial’s Day in the United States. Memorial’s Day marks a day of remembering those who died while serving in the military and it marks the unofficial start of summer.

Like most of you, after a frigid winter, we want to enjoy nature’s warmth. In fact, our team — The Virgo Philosophy Team — just returned home from vacationing in Hawaii!
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Easter Sunday: Today is a Day For Celebration!

Easter Sunday

Our prayers and condolences go out to those impacted by the eight deadly explosions in Sri Lanka. It is our firm belief that no one should be targeted based on their faith.

Today goes by many names. Some call it Easter Sunday, some refer to today as Resurrection Sunday, while others may still be celebrating Passover.
Continue reading Easter Sunday: Today is a Day For Celebration!


8 Ways to Start Investing in Yourself

invest in yourselfAt we often say “YOLO” or remind you how short life is. Our intention is to encourage you to dream big and live your best life! Investing in yourself is a good start to enjoying the benefits the universe has in store for you. Below are eight ways to start investing in yourself.
Continue reading 8 Ways to Start Investing in Yourself
