Congress To Pay for Trump’s Wall?

Congress To Pay for the WallPresident-Elect Donald Trump stated multiple times during his campaign that he would build a wall across the entire U.S. – Mexico border. He also stated that Mexico would pay for it. However, Trump has recently changed his plans and stated that the U.S. taxpayers will pay for the wall and Mexico will reimburse the U.S.
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Benefits Of Eating Avocados

avocadosAvocados also referred to as the alligator pear is the only fruit to contain a substantial amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. As a naturally nutrient dense food, it contains 20 vitamins and minerals which are beneficial to the growth and development of the body. They include folate, Vitamin K1, potassium, copper, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C among others.
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Black Seed Oil – A Miracle?

black seed oilRecently black seed oil and its benefits has flooded the internet. People are touting their appreciation for it and calling it a cure-for-all. But is this oil truly ‘ a remedy for everything but death’? Let’s discuss and you decide.

Firstly, what is black seed oil? Where does it come from? And what are some of the ailments people claim it can alleviate?
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