Americans Urging the Electoral College to Vote for Clinton

Electoral College

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by at least 200,000 votes during the Presidential election. And her numbers keep rising as absentee ballots are calculated. That means more Americans voted for Clinton to be President.

If you are American and you believe Clinton is the true victor in the President election, then you may have a chance to make her President on December 19th. Continue reading Americans Urging the Electoral College to Vote for Clinton

Trump’s Plan for the First 100 Days

Trump's Plan

The news that Donald Trump is the President Elect of America is still sinking in around the world. Many people were shocked at the results, assuming that it would be Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, who would be inaugurated as President of the United States in January 2017. The Trump administration will shake up Washington D.C., domestic policy and world trade more than any previous administration has. Trump’s plan for the first 100 days is lengthy and ambitious. On the very first day, Trump plans an ambitious new contract that will wipe out the work of Barack Obama in one swoop. Continue reading Trump’s Plan for the First 100 Days

Go Vote – Election Day 2016

election day Today is it – election day. It is the judgement day for American politics. Today is the last day for Americans to vote for the next President of the United States. We implore all eligible people to vote! Vote with your conscience. Vote for the person who will unite and not divide. Vote for the person who will better your individual condition and not worsen it. Vote for the person who represent your values. Vote for the person who you would feel safe with the nuclear codes. Go vote!
Continue reading Go Vote – Election Day 2016