How I Spent My Stimulus Payment?

stimulus paymentDue to COVID-19, in March, the United States government authorized a $2.2 trillion congressional coronavirus relief plan for the nation. About $250 billion was set aside for direct payments to individuals and families. This week instead of paying taxes, millions of Americans will receive a stimulus payment. Thankfully, I am one of those lucky individuals. Keep reading to learn how I spent mine. Continue reading How I Spent My Stimulus Payment?

The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity PrayerFolks — we are living in dark times. 2020 has come roaring in and has been cold and relentless ever since. Despite the grim news, we want to encourage all of you not to give up faith. Please don’t be afraid or get depressed. Know that this too shall pass. If you are ever feeling down, recite the Serenity Prayer. We pray it brings peace and tranquillity to your life.

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” – Victor Hugo

Continue reading The Serenity Prayer

COVID-19 UPDATE From Virgo Philosophy®

COVID-19Like many of you, we are closely monitoring the news from around the world regarding COVID-19. We don’t know how long this global pandemic will last, but please know our sympathies go out to those directly or indirectly impacted by the virus. Everyone is in our thoughts and prayers during this unfortunate time. We sincerely hope the loss of life and infection rate subsides, and a vaccine becomes available soon.

We plan to keep Virgo Philosophy® active, and our store and eBook on Amazon remains open for business! Like fellow small businesses during this time, we are grateful to be able to utilize our online capabilities so that everyone can shop 24/7 from the comforts of their home. Continue reading COVID-19 UPDATE From Virgo Philosophy®

Carpe Diem!

carpe diemWarren Buffett once said, “Unless you can watch your stock holding decline by 50% without becoming panic-stricken, you should not be in the stock market.” His words are reverberating like never before these days if you follow the world stock markets. To put it lightly — it has been chaotic. As the markets plunge due to the coronavirus, people are rushing to sell due to worries about economic fallout.  Continue reading Carpe Diem!